The days of being wild (and really broke)

I am recently working in Arena, Liverpool. Being one of the starving artists, I got a little space to hang my paintings.

Display only, negotiable
Display only, negotiable

Still life $2700

Unfinished, not for sale

Unfinished, not for sale.




$2600 ea, can't be seperated

Underwater Life

Please click to enlarge.

These paintings are what I have recently done in Britain. I have actually started 9 in 6 weeks and half of them are almost finished.

Just as a way of killing time.

In the Car (unfinished)
Still life practice

Morning Prayer


Before the Exile

Before the Exile is my first solo exhibition. I was trying to hold a farewell party in the name of an exhibition. I hardly had any confidence at that time and it was my friend's idea. 

It came to me quite a surprise when most of the works are sold, most are bought by a gallery owner in Central.

Anyway, be it luck or my capability, it's behind me now.

the flyer

The Sun is so bright that I'm nearly blind (sold)

What are we going to do next (sold)

You never die (sold)

Sometimes it's difficult
It's autumn... again (sold)
I'm sorry but I've gotta leave you alone (sold)
I'm alright, thanks. (sold)
I'm gonna follow you anyway (sold)
I've learnt too much today - self portrait (sold)

I can't believe it when you say no (sold)

Previous life

These are some of my other works. I have actually started using oil as the main medium for 4 months but have started painting for, like, 10 years. I have experience in water colours, pencils, charcoal, acrylic, soft and oil pastels, you name it.